I had no idea that the walk from my flat to Kirribilli was almost 9km (Thanks iPhone!) Here are some photos from my walk, I hope it helps to out you into the right frame of mind for our upcoming Government unit.
I started out by walking through The Botanical Gardens. There is lots of school holiday activities happening here, but I recommend taking a self guided walk with your family.
Of course the first thing I saw of interest were the cockies, who were busy making a mess out of some trees.
A new sculpture has recently been installed, eventually lots of trees will be growing out of it to make a 'wave like' structure. Worth a look!

So I continued on my way to Kirribilli, walking across the Harbour Bridge. When I got there I noticed these Hills Hoists right near the Harbour, how very Australian.
When I got to Kirribilli House, the first thing I was greeted by was a 'Keep Out!' sign.
And there it is - Julia Gillard's house!
The nameplate outside of Kirribilli house.
My legs now very tired, I ended up catching the ferry back to Circular Quay from Kirribilli, I even got a little seasick on the trip (very typical of me!)
I do believe that Kirribilli House has an annual open day, it seems to happen around September or October of every year, you just have to keep your eyes on the internet as it is not heavily advertised.
If you'd like to visit the area yourself, it is definitely good for a walk around and there are lots of parks and cafes to stop by in for a rest. I also bought a few cheeky Easter Eggs from Coco Chocolate, definitely recommended!