The Museum of Sydney just finished presenting an exhibition called 'From Little Things Big Things Grow.'
This exhibition told the story of a group of Australians, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, who said 'That's not good enough' – and did something about it. The exhibition tells some uncomfortable truths and celebrates some 'ordinary extraordinary' heroes.
I attended the exhibition on the final weekend of showing and was so glad I did - there was so much information availble about the history of voting and citizenship rights for Aboriginal people in Australia.
Here are some photos from my visit!
Please note, if you would like to read the text just double click on each photo and a larger image will appear.
Perhaps you would likesuet use this information in the Week 4 component of your Homework Assignment...
The entry to the exhibition:

The explanation at the beginning of the exhibition:

An image of protest:

The 1940s:

The 1950s:

The 1960s:

A voting booth from the time of the referendum:

The Aboriginal tent embassy:

The Freedom Ride:

Aboriginal Citizens called their citizenship papers 'dog tags':

Some information on citizenship: